The enrolment procedure depends on which course you are applying for. For our Fruition courses Hei Whanake - Introduction to Horticulture or Fruition Diploma in Horticulture Production, the process is the same. The Lincoln Diploma has it's own separate enrolment process.
There are 4 stages to enrolling with Fruition Horticulture, in either our Hei Whanake or Fruition Diploma programmes:
Fruition Horticulture courses operate on a ‘first in, first served’ basis. Where there are more applicants than course spaces, those additional intending learners will be offered the same course on an alternative date, should there be one available.
If you would like to enquire if either programme is right for you, please Speak To One Of Our Tutors for more information.
There are two stages to enrolling with Lincoln University:
Whether you’re a first-time student or returning to complete your programme, you must complete and return the Regional Diploma Application Form or Enrol Online through the Lincoln University website: Apply and Enrol.
Lincoln University and Fruition Horticulture will be in contact to guide you through each step of the process.
If you would like to enquire if the Lincoln Diploma is right for you, please contact one of our Regional Co-Ordinators for more information: Wendy Bradley (Regional Co-ordinator, Bay of Plenty) - Greg Dryden (Regional Co-ordinator, Nelson) -
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